little sprouts speech therapy
language enrichment course
I'm a parent who...
is curious about my baby or toddler's language development
is very busy, but wants to learn ways to enrich my child's language development
would like my child to learn + use new words / phrases
wants to learn how to decrease tantrums + frustration related to my child's communication
doesn't know if speech therapy is necessary at this age, but strategies would be helpful
is on a waitlist for speech therapy and looking to get a "jump start" on the process
doesn't have extra time, needs quick + simple strategies, and wants to learn at my own pace
If you nodded "yes" to any of the above, I invite you to join the waitlist for the language enrichment course, an online, self-paced course designed by a pediatric speech therapist for busy parents + caregivers just like you!
You will learn proven strategies to support your child's communication using the skills + strengths they already have.
In this course you will learn 1) how language develops in babies + toddlers and 2) the exact strategies that I use as a speech therapist to get babies and toddlers learning + using more words and phrases.
You will quickly learn how even the most basic strategies can make a huge impact on your child's language development. Why wait? Register today to get started!